

Apparently there are ants in the laundry.

I shouldn't draw with a lack of sleep.


Happy Birthday, Omally Shadow!

I know I'm a few minutes past midnight, and thus late, but I hope you had a good birthday anyhow! And I present to you a portrait of Honk, I hope nothing's too off with him.


Space Security

Here is a quick little 30min sketch and coloring I did just to warm up before some design work. I decided that he is personnel for a security unit for a secret space mine operation. Hmmm I think his name will be Ion Aeson, and yes I totally pulled that name out of nowhere haha!

Anyway I was looking at our MOAG blog because I haven't been the last many weeks and saw that there has not been too much added to the blog lately so I decided to post this guy. Hope ya'lls like it.

- Juanito, over and out.


More Selidor Questions

His face got kind of cut off on the first one. Oh well.

And a bonus Jocky!


I know Monday isnt my day for posting Art, but it is monday, and I wanted to post my latest. It still needs some cleaning up in PS, but I had a min here at work, so I"ll post what I have thus far.
Guess what Species makes these ships?


I got some Selidor fanart today, which is always exciting. I don't really know the person, or I'd tell you more about them, but they've asked me a couple questions about Selidor on tumblr, and I guess they like him. All the same, I thought it was pretty neat and that I should share it.

This artwork is done by/copyrighted to rediver.


Phantom's MOAG Line-Up

Phew! Finished this last night, and I'm satisfied with it. Here's a larger view of the line-up: [link]


These are from my tumblr blog thing, where people can ask questions. I thought it was relevant to MOAG because of the inquiries Selidor received.


Happy Birthday, Xzebo!

I didn't really have a ref for Gergie, but I hope you like him all the same.


HEY!!! I want in on this comeback too!!! +++The Life of Quar Setca+++

I have been inspired by the MOAG sessions, the wonderful posts on the blog and the art... most of all the art (AMAZING!!!)....... anyway!

I was sitting in church the other day, thinking about the life of Quar and I came up with this small document that can be found in the official records of the Gargonan Empire.

Subject: Quar Setca, summary of the life of,

Quar Setca was born on the Gargonan Empire Flagship, the Gangua, to Mokos Setca, a member of the Inner Circle, and Shala Veton, a medic in the Military. Soon after birth Quar was taken to begin training to become a member of the Gargonan Government, in the territory of the High Gargonan.

Quar excelled in numerous fields from an early age, including but not limited to; the "Arts", unarmed combat, personal weapons, medical and leadership.

At the young age of 21 he was given the Government office of Assistant to the Outer Circle. In his sparse free time Quar continued training.

By the age of 50 Quar had risen in the ranks of the Government and was offered a position in the Inner Circle. For reasons unknown, he declined the position and abruptly left the Gargonan Empire.

Little is known of the next 16 years of Quar's life. Speculations abound of a Gargonan fitting Quar's description assisting in the quelling of the threat from the nano virus.

At the age of 66 Quar returned to the Empire and was given the unofficial post of Assistant to the Inner Circle, where he trained several key members in the honing of their skills in the "Arts."

As of the current date Quar is on a special assignment given to him by the High Gargonan. His whereabouts are currently unavailable in public records.


The cowardly conar. This one was fun and fast to color.


Da Butcher Bros!

Well I have been looking at Phantom post a bunch of art and felt all art deprived because I have been so busy with starting my new job that I haven't done any. So I finished off a quick coloring of one of my old sketches. Anywho these guys are some twins that I made in MOAG called Atticus Butcher and Matthias Butcher (thanks phantom for the 1st names) and they are the ruthless mercs who were orphans that grew up in the slums of Koge. They will do just about anything for money. Also one is a weapons/gun guy and the other is more of a chem.weapons/explosive guy, and combined...


Anyway hope you all like the picture. I have been liking the other art that is finally being put on our long neglected MOAG blog. Thanks everybody!

- Juanito, over and out.

Merc without a mind.


Oh hey Envi'ere. Long time no see.


Picture of the space hooker from last campaign.

Also did this line-up of every character I've ever played (plus the ghost/hallucination/whatever dude Haedyn for the heck of it). I don't know if I'll ever finish it, it's not very exact (especially for Destere and Cor'hya who are both supposed to be about a foot or so taller each), and I don't even know if I spelled half of the things on here correctly... but it was fun!

And here's a bigger version. [link]


A shaded version of Laiser.

I'm a firin' my Laaaiser.

This is just a character I've been playing around with lately, but has no real purpose yet. I'm thinking of making him into a cylonquin for MOAGing.


Xander Get In The Closet!!!

"XANDER GET IN YOUR CLOSET!" can many a times be heard throughout Juan's ship as Xander is being annoying. HAHA well maybe not really but it was during a MOAG session that we were making fun of Juan's assistant, Xander. Anyway these are all from sketches again I did a while ago and just got around to doing quick colorings for them. Hope you all like these too!

-Juanito, over and out.


Humans, Quells, and Klisks, Oh My!

PJ's Character - Jaster in Armor:

One of Trudi's Characters:

Bots Character - Bara In Some Type of Armor:

Well like I have said in some of my other posts I am taking a lot of old sketches and coloring them. Here are some sketches that I also did quite a while back and have done some really quick colorings for them. Hope you all like them!

-Juanito, over and out.


♬ He Argued with the GM... He's Dead ♬

♬ He Argued with the GM... He's Dead ♬

Now I'm not saying that our friend Tristan (that we haven't seen in forever) got killed by the GM. But I am quoting his really funny song that he played on his guitar one night during MOAG. And wanted him to know that I was thinking about him and even though he owes me money he was a fun roommate and that we did have some fun MOAG sessions with him! Oh almost forgot... This picture is also one of his characters (a kliskaneon) that I really liked and sketched a long while back but decided to color it just now. And that's another reason I was thinking about him. I don't really like the background on the picture but I really like this character and drawing so I am posting it anyway. Hope you all like it too.

- Juanito, over and out.


Zelda turns 25!

Did this for a thing at work, celebrating Zelda turning 25. This is my updated version of Zelda. Enjoy.


Fallen Comrade

So maybe because right now is such a great time in the life of Juanito I have also been thinking about the past quite a bit. This last week my mind has been brought to remembrance of a dark day in our histories. About this time last year our friend Pablo Diablo was lost forever to us and I know we all miss him dearly but I just wanted to take some time to recognize PJ. These are some sketches I did for him for the Sas'Kettian species he was GMing for us and so these last few days I took a little time to color them and post them. I hope you all like them and can also take a few moments when you read this post to remember our great friend and MOAG comrade. I also hope PJ is looking down on us and approves of what is going on in the MOAGverse. And that's all.

-Juanito, over and out!


A Great Weekend for Arting!

So as you can see I have gone all crazy with the MOAG art this week but I think that's OK. I really want to get this blog to be more active and also I was looking through all my old MOAG Sketches and realized that I have a TON of drawings. That has motivated me to put in a little more work and do some coloring. These colorings took me about 25min each and look a little more gritty but I think they look pretty good.

This particular even occurred in the MOAG Universe one campaign where somehow the team ended up on I believe Amadeus' haunted spaceship and we all started to see some pretty weird stuff but my character, Reytak, was able to speak with a ghost of one of his Gorlach Ancestors. I thought that campaign was super awesome and I hope that this piece does the memory justice.

And this poor little guys name is Xander Knox "begins and ends with the letter x" (me and Phantom made up this story one MOAG night). Anyway don't feel to bad for him because my character Juan did and little Xander has been the bane of his existence ever since (Or at least he says. I think deep down inside Juan has a soft spot for Xander, or maybe its just the enjoyment of stuffing him into small closets haha!) Anyway this picture is of the day that Juan took Xander onto his crew. "Please Sir can I have some more?" Haha!

Anyway I hope you all like the pictures!

-Juanito, out... again.


Kajarin Getting Intergrated

So here he is... the awesome Kajarin! (*aint he so cute*... just don't tell him I said that cuz he'll smash me with his 400lbs exoskeleton body). Anyway I have been looking on the MOAG Blog here at past post and got inspired to do more art about the Ormigites (a species I created and won to be a playable species). Anyway here is the first Ormigite created and played. His name is Kajarin and he has had a few clothings/armors since I've played him so I decided to show them by this little interactive piece. Just click on the linked sentence above and hopefully you'll get to see it. And if you get to see it, I hope you like it. Thanks everybody.

-Juanito, out.



Okay, so there was supposedly a plan to go down to St. George last month for a MOAG night to end all MOAG nights, and well, unfortunately for you, but fortunately for me, the Jimmer show rolled through Denver, so I had to go. Despite that awesomeness, we were out one MOAG night. Well lads and ladies, fear no more! That's right, we have another tour date! Friday, May 20th will be the next MOAG night of Doom. I'll be getting through Cedar roughly around noon, and will be heading down to the Condo De La MOAG as soon as I can drag Carl and Wes from their families and heading down.

Join us one and all for what will surely be the greatest night of MOAGing EVAR!* Anyway, I'll let Messrs Shadowwire and Bot take care of the details on the southern end of things, and Juanito, bring your new bride! Wait, is she aware of this obsession of yours? If not, then don't bring her, tell her you're hanging out with your nerd friends, and she better stay home as to not get any of the nerd on her. Oh who am I kidding, bring her.

And I promise there will be no Jimmer related issues to make this not happen!

*Totally biased statement...

Reytak Married?!?!?!

Hey everyone so I am getting married in basically 2 weeks (thats me Juanito not Reytak). Anyway I know that not a lot of MOAGers post very regularly so I don't even know if many even look at this blog any more but me and my brother Xzebo we talking about trying to get on an post more stuff on this blog just to keep up to date and keep me busy and thinkin about MOAG stuff lol. So here is a kinda dark n' gritty (B.P.R.D. comic) style picture of Reytak the Vagabond. Hope you like and I am just going to throw out there Reytak may be getting retired here in a few months or so.


Today, we celebrate one of the most important moments of MOAG history.  The birth of it's creator, Shadowwire.  Let us all point ourselves to the Westward direction to commemorate this moment.


ShadowClan Promo 1940's

So last night we were waiting for certain MOAG personnel to arrive to the campaign and I was bored waiting for so long so I decided to create this ShadowClan poster with a 1940's war propaganda poster theme. The thought seemed really funny to me and the poster turned out really cool too, so I hope you like it!


I'M ALIVE! Tour dates and whatnot...

Well, first off, I'm alive. Reports of my death were greatly exaggerated, and frankly, a little disappointing. I mean, there were no explosions or mass destruction of any kind. And while I'm the first to admit that My Little Pony has some redeeming qualities, I do NOT own a MLP t-shirt, nor would I wear said t-shirt when dying.

Okay, now that we have that cleared up, well I have some other news. I'M GOING ON TOUR! That's right, you heard it hear. A tour of what you say? Well, I don't really know. I'll be in St. George from March 18th through 20th, and calling it a tour sounded cool, so a tour it is. Deal with it. Anyway, I believe Wes and Carl will be joining me, so get with them to figure out the details of what will be happening at said MOAG weekend. You know what, this needs an official title.

The First Annual MOAG Weekend of Games. Featuring the finest meats and cheeses throughout the land. Rolls off the tongue doesn't it?

Anyway, I have other news, which I'll post about on Monday, but I'm excited about it, and frankly you should be too. If you're not, then well, okay.


Kind of Unfinished

I got tired of it before I could finish.


Crazy All Around


Have another picture. This one's a paper child I did some time ago.

MOAG Ghost

I had an idea of a short story/short comic involving two characters. The above is Haedyn, who is more or less the product or hallucination of a guilty conscience, and not an actual ghost.

Also, I typed MOAG into a search and all this Memoirs of a Geisha stuff came up. I thought that was pretty funny.