
Deus ex Machina

Not exactly MOAG related, but it's scifi enough that I figured I could put it here without getting lynched.

A character I made today who ended up looking oddly like the unholy mix between Kroenen, Captain Vidal, and Cyborg Ninja. I don't have a real story for it yet, and it was made primarily for being my avatar while working with my friend's original character tournament; but who knows. Maybe it will turn out as a MOAG story some day.


Pablo Diablo said...

The great Deus Von Isenberg!

Pablo Diablo said...

Technically.... its "von" not "Von".... can't even write German correctly anymore... sniff sniff

squirrel-the-tire said...

Awesome! I particularly like how he wears his coat, his head, and his hat.

Phantom Gravedigger said...

Nooooo, Pablo! You're forgetting everything!! And good, now I know how to spell Isenberg.

Thanks for the comments.