
The Siksuus

Communication Log 978-089089-2347
Security level Alpha required

Report of Commander Zar Nowak, Commander of the Frigate “Kraden”

begin transmission:

“It has been [REDACTED] since we left on our current mission to [REDACTED].
We had picked up a distress signal in what was previously reported as an uninhabitable system. The signal was a Conar ship, but the origin of the signal was quite old.

We jumped into the far side of the system, hoping to go unnoticed from the Cruiser, in accordance to our mission parameters. Passive scans show the ship to be one of the first Conar ships fitted with a Faster than Light drive. We believe the ship to be the CN Styrrok. We have submitted our scan for analysis [REDACTED].

According to the official Conara report, the Styrrok had a long and illustrious career before being retired from service after 50 years. But intelligence from [REDACTED] has revealed that the Styrrok was reported missing 3 months into it's maiden voyage, no record of its whereabouts can be found.

We were ordered to observe the Styrrok until the 7th Fleet could arrive to deal with the possibility of any Conar survivors on board, but more likely to salvage the ship and mine it for any information that we could find.

The arrival of the Fleet brought about the first noticeable change to the Styrrok, the signal went from a general distress call to a plea for help fixing a hyperdrive. The Kraden was ordered to dock with the Styrrok and provide any needed assistance.

Upon docking, we were met not by Conar, but by a species called the Siksuus. The Styrrok had originally picked up 10 Siksuus from their home planet. They were very primative, taken in as pets. The Conar taught them basic Conach, but their education was cut short when the primative Hyperdrive the Styrrok had went out 3.5 months into their mission. The Conar crew lasted 2 years, drifting through space, before a mutiny killed 1/3 of the crew, and the rest abandoned the Styrrok and the Siksuus to try their luck in the only remaining shuttle. The Siksuus, using the available materials found in the ships computer, continued their own education. They eventually fixed the ship, even making some improvements of their own designs. The only thing they couldn't fix was the hyperdrive, and that was because they didn't have the parts needed (although the crude work around they implemented using various parts found throughout the ship did get them a working drive that at least enabled them to pilot the ship.

The Siksuus couldn't find any reference of their home planet in the Conar database, and were simply choosing galaxies at random, looking for their home planet.
From the original ten Siksuus, the total on board numbered 1383. We transported the Siksuus to [REDACTED] where they are currently beginning to establish their society with the help of KMF support.”

Species information:

Average Height – 4'6”
Average Weight – 90 Lbs.
Body is covered with thin blue hair, but the mane and top of head can have a range of color.
Skin color is blue, with slight variations. Each Siksuus has a distinct pattern that can range from just the top of the head to a full body pattern, usually the pattern is orange, but there have been noted cases of red and yellow.

Average Lifespan - ? The lifespan of the Siksuus is yet to be determined, as the only deaths noted among the ship were accidents or fatalities from trying to fix the ship. In fact, the original 10 Siksuus are still with the colony, and are in what we can only assume is excellent health. The oldest of member, Styrrok (named after the ship, he doesn't remember a name before that) is estimated to be 180 years old.

Languages spoken – Conach, Sik ( This is a combination of the gutteral, primal language the Siksuus used before the Conar found them, and military Conar). The Siksuus only recently started to expand their language and at last report had finally implemented and recorded an alphabet.

Species Averages:
Strength – 8
Endurance – 8
Dexterity – 18
Reasoning – 18
Knowledge – 14
Perception – 20
Comeliness – 9
Charisma – 14
Heal - 18

End transmission.


Salvaggio said...

I wasn't sure how long the Conar have been exploring space, so my estimation here is probably off. However long, the age estimate is more along the lines of what I was thinking.

Salvaggio said...

...Aaaand I forgot Willpower. Which is +4.

Sholk_Vore said...

I like the pic, and I like the story. I'm noticing a trend though... So far all entry's have low strength and endurance... High reasoning, perception, and willpower. Just a thought.

Xzebo said...

Sweet species along with a sweet picture!

Kang said...

You, Salvaggio.., are an amazing artist! Just sayin'.

Bot said...

Awesome job, as always!