
Must have more...

Sweet story Salvaggio. But you can't leave me hanging like that. I want more story! Gives it to me!

Seriously that's some cool writing.


Salvaggio said...

Thanks Pablo. I'll get you chapter 7 as soon as I finish with it.

Pablo Diablo said...

Your welcome.

Since you have posted your story and since West has been bugging me forever to write down the stories about the two races and galaxies I created, I have decided to begin writing a few short stories that will introduce people to the races/galaxies and to it's villians and heros.

I will try to have something posted before the end of the month.

And of course critism, constructive or otherwise is welcome.

Shadowwire said...

Mr Diablo. I must say, I liked your old picture much more than the new one. Perhaps Juanito would give you a pic of Jaster to post? Hmmm?
But seriously, Salvagio, Im as interested to know whats going on as the Pablo Diablo be.

If anyone says anything about my use of the language, then here is my preemptive "Kiss off".