
Character Creation of Awesomeness!!

So... long time no see for everyone. I just wanted to share this little piece of MOAG heaven with you all... It took me a bit to figure out, and it's not as pretty as i would like but the most important part... IT'S FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!! So now... let me explain:

What part of moag is fun but takes FOREVER?... That's right, the Character Creation Process. So I decided a couple days ago to make this process a little easier and less time comsuming, (especially for noobs like me who take forever to make a new character.)

Anywho i made an excel sheet that will automatically calculate your rolls for your attributes and your base and rolls for your skills!!!! WOOT! COMPUTERS MAKE THINGS (and by "things" I mean "us" as human beings) EVEN LAZIER!!!! HURRAY!!

p.s. it even calculates your date of birth :D

Anywho it works like this, you roll for all your attributes then enter them in like normal, from that the rolls will be automatically calculated, after that it will take those rolls and use it to calculate the base for all the skills and your roll for each skill! The only things it will not automatically do are the skill points you put in level (cause you have to roll for those and place them where you like) but it will recalculate the roll once the desired amount of skill points have been allocated. And last it will not calculate Total Hit Points because again that you have to manually roll for, but it will figure out hit points for each body location.

Unfortunately I don't know how to post a file here or else you would all have it right now sooooo.... if anyone does know how please let me know, but i will be giving the file to West when i next see him, and then hopefully you will have access to it sooner or later.

Any questions feel free to ask :) (and please help me figure out how to get the files online!!)



squirrel-the-tire said...
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squirrel-the-tire said...
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Punk-rokk Princess said...

Haha that's totally awesome!! I remember when I made my first character... I was so confused... and thanks to Carl *cough* I mean, Mr Bot, he did it all for me hee-hee :D But after that, he taught me how and thus I have made a few others.. but yes, I agree... they do take a long time if you don't know what you are doing..

Scarlet White said...

this was... 3-4 years ago? ^_~ I find this humorous.