
New Macaneon Sketch

Okay here's a new sketch I did while conversing with Shadowwire on the phone today (okay, not all of it was done while I was on the phone... but a lot of it was). I've always been a little iffy on how the Macaneon looked. It was a little too lizard like. So this time I tried to soften the face a little, give it a look that said "brains" more than "flesh eating dino-thingy". I also took some inspiration from the huge lizard Obi-wan rides in Episode III while chasing after Grievous, and added some feathers on the back of the head and the tail. I might add some small hints on the forearms, but probably not. I image the feathers act like a cat's back, spreads out to make the macaneon look bigger when confronted.

Anyway, I really like this sketch. I'm going to try to get in a full body sketch, as well as some color tests, hopefully. I have a lot that I'm "going" to do (still got to finish my website).

Well, let me know what you think. Not that it really matters. I like it, so there.


Shadowwire said...

Amazingly... I like it! Its different, but I really like it.
Your the man Salvagio.

Bot said...

I concur with Mr. Wire. It feels more like a brainy being and I like the idea of Joac getting pissed off and his feathers getting ruffled. :) Although he doesn't have a tail... sad. :,(

Pablo Diablo said...

Awesome picture of a Macaneon. I think the feather idea is pretty cool too.

Keep up the coolness.


squirrel-the-tire said...

Sweet! That's pretty awesome, and I would have commented yesterday, but I was in a hurry to FINALLY go see batman!

keep up with the awesome sketches!

Savara said...

LOVE it!