
Caught red-handed with the mistress...


My name is Salvaggio, and I'm... well I'm... (sigh) I'm a TF2-a-holic. It's been a good 30 minutes since my last game, and frankly, your all nutters if you think I'm going to give it up. I know MOAG is what this blog is about, and I know that I started the dang blog in the first place, so I should have to suck it up and keep the topics related to MOAG, BUT COME ON!!! HAVE YOU SEEN TEAM FORTRESS 2? HAVE YOU?

Sorry, let me regroup here... talk amongst yourselves... okay, okay, I'm back. First off, just look at the picture above. See the Pyro? You can see him smiling through his gas mask. And let me tell you, when you light somebody on fire, you smile too. He's my favorite. And while I'm still not too good at the online multi-player thing, it's one of the most addictive games I've ever played. Let's just put it this way, NCAA football 2008 can't get me to turn from the screen.

So I cheated on MOAG. There. I said it. That's right, I went there. But you have to see it from my side! MOAG is always going over to Shadowwire's house for game night, but does she even call me? No. And you can't tell me that Shadowwire doesn't have a thing for MOAG, so I know there's something going on there. Besides, I live like 4 hours away, and she never comes to visit me. So just back off okay?

(Sigh) I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. MOAG has been nothing but good to me, and has been there for me when I needed to game. Maybe a guy can play two games? Is that so wrong? I mean, they're not even the same genre, so maybe they can co-exist?

Or maybe not. That's probably why I'm here. I need some sort of 12 step program to get me straightened out. Do we have one of those? No? Huh. Oh well, I tried. Back to the servers!

Oh, if you do get TF2, or the Orange Box (which is probably the best video game value you'll ever see), create a SteamID and look for Salvaggio there, and I'll see you at 2 Fort.

Okay, now that I've taken care of that, where are the doughnuts?


Salvaggio said...

Sorry, but a little site update: Still having troubles uploading the header. I'm ready to shoot someone...

Salvaggio said...
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Bot said...

I am with you Salvaggio! TF2 looks amazing.

Shadowwire said...

Shoot someone eh? I guess its a good thing you have TF2. (Traitor).
But seriously, Battlefield 2 occupies much of my spare time, so I guess I can't pass judgment on Salvagio for his blatant disreguard for the moag blog. Or can I?
Probably not. But if I did... No no, Nevermind.
Nice shooting Tex.