
I'm feeling vaclempt, talk amongst yourself

I, Bot Boi the 1th, have had an amazing idea...... Okay, so I think that I am reiterating an idea I heard from the Great Salvaggio, BUT I am tweeking it a bit. I think why people don't post as much as they could is because they really don't know what to talk about..... Well, I know some of you are thinking of course we know what to write about... MOAG, duh! But obviously some of us (including myself) are having a hard time with this new found freedom.

I think what we need are Topics to Discuss. Something like Attributes in the MOAG world and how they affect character play, or What is your favorite weapon and the memories that go along with it, or How did your character get in THAT situation? Remember that blog posts don't have to be novels, we can just write a few lines for people to read and get ideas for more blogs.

Well, I would like input! Tell me what you think!


Salvaggio said...

That is a wonderful idea, I think we should roll with it. Unfortunately, I wont be able to post much for the next month, quite busy with freelance work. Anyway, Bot, assign out some topics and lets get to work.

Shadowwire said...

As usual, your Intelligence astounds us all! Only this time its in a pleasant way. Your expressions of astuteness are altogether accurate, as I see it.
Speaking of which, How does everyone feel about changing the rule on "Extra" to affecting proficiencies? Perhaps I should start a new post to adress this issue.
Ok... Well thanks Bot Boi. You da-man!