
Conar Invasion Tomorrow?

From secret sources inside the secret building of secrets... aka Shadowwire... I have found out that the dreaded Conar invasion will be tomorrow.

The most distressing thing is that the date seems to correlate with another cursed and most diabolical day.

And by that I mean Shadowwire's birthday. :P

So Happy Birthday tomorrow Shadowwire, may the Conar nerve gas not take your life!


Shadowwire said...

Oh Crap! I had forgotten. Well, Gotta go get my ducks in a row. see ya later... Wait. If you survive!
So, any survivers, lets meet in Antarctica the day after tomarrow.

Bot said...

Happy B-Day Shadowwire and Happy C-Day to all of Human civilization!!! How's everyones 72 hour kits? Better yet! How's everyones 1 year supply? Best yet! How's everyones life?

Pablo Diablo said...

Well I am happy to say that I survived the Conar Invasion that mysteriously didn't take place on Saturday.

I have reason to believe that the source of my information might be a Conar agent who fed me false secrets in order to throw us off guard.

Therefore I propose that everyone attempt to find out the real date of the Conar Invasion from the source...aka Shadowwire...and tells us as soon as possible.

Because the real invasion is coming and we must be prepared.

Bot said...

I think you're paranoid... and complicated.

Pablo Diablo said...

Why thank you!

Shadowwire said...

That was not a compliment.

Anyway, the actual date of the Conara Invasion is, wait for it...
Im not telling. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Bot said...

It's actually lyrics to a song.

Shadowwire said...

Well, It looks like three people post here anyway. Oh and the occasional "Prank Poster".
If your name is not "shadowwire" "Bot" or "Pablo Diablo", post and let us know your alive.

Pablo Diablo said...

Well, I took it as a compliment.

And yes post you slackers!

I demand it!

And so does Shadowwire!

And most likely Bot!

omally said...

I Live!!!

Pablo Diablo said...

Thats one!

Going on two now...