
Me, Myself and I ....and that one girl....

I probably should have posted this before my last post but I didn't, so oh well!

Anyways, as you know I'm Punk-Rokk Princess (aka Booger, aka Mandy, etc.) Sorry its taken me so long to get on the site. We had some technically difficulties with my user name and stuff, but now its all good! I'm the original punk-rokk princess and I don't care what you fools have to say about it! "You shall worship me as if I were a God!!" (RvB) and you can give me lots of cake too!

Yea, so you all should know who I am now. Bot just said it would be a good idea to do this... just in case some people didn't know :)


Bot said...


Pablo Diablo said...

What you say!!

Shadowwire said...

She Lives!
All Hail the PRP!

Shadowwire said...

Seriously though. Everyone needs to attach a cool picture like Pablo Diablo and myself.

Bot said...

Then my identity would be revealed!

Pablo Diablo said...

Ok...it's time to stop the charade.
We all know you are a monkey in a Bot suit. So why don't you just post a picture and we will give you a banana.

Pablo Diablo said...

Wait wait wait... you are also known as Booger... LOL

Juanito said...

I thought my character Reytak was the only monkey!?

Shadowwire said...

Oh yeah, Juanito also has a cool Pic. Go Juanito!

Punk-rokk Princess said...

....i don't know how to put a picture... and yes, Bot calls me Booger... and its not what you are thinking Pablo Diablo

Punk-rokk Princess said...

ok. never mind on that last comment...

Bot said...

Now I am the minority! Yay for me!!!

Salvaggio said...

See that picture up on the top of the blog? The dude with one eye in the swirling blue vortex? Yeah. That's my picture. Been up there the whole time. Just waiting for you all to add your pics. Biding my time. Whatever, I'm getting me some nachos...

Bot said...

Ok ok ok! Y'all win! I can't stand the pressure! One request though. Don't everyone go jumping off a cliff or bridge now.

Shadowwire said...

Wow. Awsome pic. that even looks like you a little.

Bot said...

I'm less blue. Just a little.

Punk-rokk Princess said...

he looks like a smurf...

Bot said...

No... I'm just blue... da boo di da boo die... I can eat a whole pie... I've o.d.ed and have died.