
Ok this is totally late for my weekend art but I haven't participated in any MOAG blogging whatsoever for a long time so I just decided to throw out this totally awesome piece I did. . .

. . . OK ok, its not so awesome but it is pretty funny. I've been working on a funny little comic and this guy was just a practice that I did for it but you know he definately fits the MOAG-addict profile.. . . Well I hope you like him, And may all you Moagers rock on!!!!


Salvaggio said...

He looks a lot like Hawk from AppleGeeks, an online comic (and one I highly recommend). Other than that, nice job.

Bot said...

Keep on keeping on guys. :)

Juanito said...

Hahaha Salvaggio thats because ive been reading AppleGeeks and looking a bunch of other styles to make my comic.

Juanito said...

Its nice to have someone else know what AppleGeeks is...

...We've been trying to get Bot into it but I don't know if he has yet.

Bot said...

............. nope....... not yet......... to busy playing Rock Band..........