
Hi people.

Grr... sorry, but this is stupid and won't animate gifs! So I'm talking about what took me maybe 5 min. to make in blender, that shows off a cool Idea.

..however, I think I'm stuck with youtube. Grr..

anyway... Here is the tutorial that showed HOW I made my gif, that you can't see.
Yes, I had a monkey head moving off camera. :)

Yay! Finally got the invite.

well, this may be unrelated to MOAG, but I thought it was cool, and am about to attempt a tree the same way.

This was made entirely in Blender.
Check out the site, and notice that it is free, open-source, and only 9 MB download!
It's just as good as max, and if you need proof, check out my first blog.
There are some cool vids showing off blender's awesome capability... and so on.

For those who don't know me, I am Westly's cousin, Tommy. I have Lived in Dugway my entire life (almost 15 years now).

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