
Hold on, I'm trying to figure this out...

This post has no ties whatsoever to MOAG. It really doesn't. I've tried and tried, but I can't think of a single thing that would make this MOAG acceptable, but then, maybe that's the beauty of it all! The more I think it's different, the more it's the same!

Okay, now that we've established that the post has nothing to do with MOAG, let's get to the topic.

That's right. Season 3 just started. And if you don't like Johnny Quest on Crack (and who doesn't!) then maybe this isn't for you. But for the rest of us, the sweet nectar of goodness washes over us as we gorge ourselves at the table of awesome. If you don't have the Cartoon Network, you can go to here and watch the episodes online. They are awesome!

They are already 3 episodes in, so sit back and enjoy Dr. Killinger and his Magic Murder Bag!


Bot said...

You need some help Salvaggio. Maybe Some VBA (Venture Bros. Anonymous?)

Pablo Diablo said...

All I got to say is the Nozzle part was hilarious. Then the short dude asks whats with the nozzle, the other says I don't know... I laughed so hard.

Shadowwire said...


Salvaggio said...

Shadowwire... please do NOT move while we readjust... The Nozzle.