
Digitization-ish-ness of goodness... and a little bit of doom.

Anywho the only thing in the title that has anything to do with this post is the word digitization... I had an idea... well it wasn't actually my idea but something that we just kinda brought up one day while playing MOAG, and it's also something that's been bothering me for a while... I AM HUMAN!!!!!!!!! LOL jk..... for real though my problem is that i am fairly new to MOAG... meaning i have played about ten times total and not ten years. I know almost nothing about MOAG besides what has been brought up in the few amazingly fun sessions I have been able to partake in. Basically i have a kind of vague image of the Conar invasion of earth and other small things from the campaign im in but... that's about it.

What I am wanting to suggest is that we start seriously putting all MOAG info into digital form, if Shadowwire permits it, maybe we could go over a different day of the week and have everyone brings their compys or lappys and seriously work on digitizing all the info... if another day is not possible i think it would be cool to take an hour or so and work on it before a session.

I think this would be cool for a couple of reasons, one: There would be no need for the box of death to MOAG, and we could have most of the major info about MOAG on our computers and two: So that noobers like me are not so clueless about... well everything in MOAG. and last: i think this would take a lot off strain of the GM so that he himself does not have to look up every single little thing about everything in MOAG whenever we ask him... also, it would save a lot of time during sessions.

Summed up, i would like if possible to set up a time this next MOAG session for everyone who wants and is able, to make a time to digitize the MOAG. Tell me what you all think! :)

~The uber-noober MOAGing Xzebor


squirrel-the-tire said...

It's very true, and I think it's been impending upon all of our subconsciouses. It will make thinks much quicker, and easier though. SEARCH ENGINES!!! w00t! - As long as we spell things right; actually, Let's be sure to be using a computer with spell check at all times. - I think this idea is great srhnarxf.

Bot said...

I think that this is a spectacular idea. I just don't know when I could do this. :(

squirrel-the-tire said...

If I lived out there, I'd be spending most of my time working on it; but I don't, so I;ll have to sit around, and wait, as usual..

Shadowwire said...

I like the Idia also. When is a good question. Also the box of MOAG is full of lots of stuff, not just MOAG rules. Charactor sheets, all the scratch paper used for moag sessions for the last 15 years, etc... Now you know why it weighs 1,000,000,000,000,000 tons.

squirrel-the-tire said...

We can sift through it. It's quite worth it.

Bot said...

Not a problem Mr. Wire. We just need to think of a time that would be convenient and the rest of the stuff will fall into place. :)

Shadowwire said...
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Shadowwire said...


Shadowwire said...

Stupid slow internet. I thought I must not have clicked the "Publish your comment" button. Dang. Now I cant figure out how to remove it!
Sorry for all the indeeds.

Shadowwire said...

There.. Got it.

Bot said...

Indeed... you did.

Bot said...

I met Orson Scott Card a while back and he told me something that changed my life. "If you love something you'll find the time for it." Take that for whatever you see fit, but I see it as we all love this game and we need to make the time to get things done!

squirrel-the-tire said...

YES. I totally agree. That's an awesome quote.