
The un-fashionably late entry.

The Planet Boiler! Not that I've ever used it..... :)
Actually I'm rather fond of the C2 Assault Rifle. *Reflects on fond memories of blood and carnage.* Not a Devils-Bane by any means, but a fun weapon non-the-less.
Oh and let us not forget the Noisy-Cricket! But then we are out of the Moag realm and into the realm of fiction... er.. wait a minute.


Bot said...

The Kang returns!!! Thanks Mr. Dragoon. Great post.

Shadowwire said...

Ah yes, the planet boiler must be my weapon of choice. not that Ive ever used it on a pc. However there was the one time when Eden was almost boiled. Mu ha ha...

Savara said...

O Great Kahn, we humble moag-ers are honored by your presence! Please impart of your great MOAG wisdom more often, please.