
The Monday MOAG Art update that was promised...

I told you, it's basically just background at the moment. I'm working on it and hope to have it done by the next Monday MOAG art post. So hopefully this will help satiate your desire for MOAG art.


Pablo Diablo said...

Very cool Mr. Salvaggio.

Makes me want to go camp in a Klisk jungle.

Kang said...

Yes! With pretty green leaves... and... Hungry... Klisk sized .......carnivores.

Bot said...

Remind me never to go to Montar.

Pablo Diablo said...

I would love to see a pan shot of the forests and the mountains by themselves.
I'm a sucker for beautiful scenes of open mountains, forests and plains.
That's what I love about the LOTR movies, all those pan shots.

Juanito said...

Ok serious comment... well more a question.

Did you draw your pic on green paper with the red lines or do it all later with photoshop or something?

By the way I really like the Picture.

Unknown said...

very nice, what program do you use?