
Skills Discussion

So I was playing an awesome game called Mass Effect today and the thought came to me... Why can't I charm or intimidate someone in M.O.A.G. I thought about it and realized that I could con someone but I couldn't charm or more importantly intimidate.

Now I'm not trying to start anything but a nice discussion. So give me opinions. I Demand It!

And maybe Shadowwire could explain some of the skills to people who might not understand them completely. Say for instance archery? WTF? And who knows maybe we could come up with some new or revised skills.


Shadowwire said...

You can Charm / Intimidate people. Charm Uses a combination of Comliness and Charisma, where Intimmidate Uses Charisma and Strength. (or has in the past) However if your a Human trying to intimidate a Conar... Lets just put it this way. Are you affraid of mini me? Only if he's carrying a BFG9000.

Pablo Diablo said...

I understand that race has a lot to do with it. I just think their should be a specific skill. And maybe a racial bonus for those races that are naturally large and intimidating.

Pablo Diablo said...

Ugh.. I mean there not their. Why isn't there a spellcheck on this thing.

Shadowwire said...

Well Pablo, make a suggestion. Who knows, Mabey it will become docterine.
As for Archery, It gets used from time to time. Mabey not as much as "underwater basket weaving" but it does get used.

Kang said...

Well, about the intimidation thing. Intimidation is not something that is the sole property of face-to-face confrontation.

For example.., if a human is sitting in the command chair of a starship, and a conar is sitting in the command chair of a 'comparable' starship, the physical strength of each character is going to be relatively irrelevant. It is a matter of strategic posturing if a character wants to evade conflict while still winning the confrontation, or at least getting his general 'way'.

Intimidation can be conveyed quite effectively across vast distances of space via the view-screen.

Another example: A Cylonquin starship is experiencing critical-mechanical problems in the space along the border with its neighbor. The neighboring military ships start moving toward the cylonquin vessel with the intention of capturing the drifting ship.
The injured starship sends out a distress communiqué to their nearby, yet still out of physical range, ships telling them of their plight. The Cylonquins send an urgent communication to the ‘would be aggressors,’ warning them to either keep their distance from their injured starship, or risk open hostilities and potential war with their government.
Well let's just say that the other party is the Gargonan Empire. While threat of open war with the cylonquin government is relatively inconsequential, it just may be posed, in just the right way, as to make the gargonans believe it to be an unnessesary annoyance that is not worth the risk. Now it is unlikely that the cylonquins would go to war against the gargonans for a single starship, and the gargonans know this. But you just may get a cylonquin with enough intimidate and diplomacy as to make the gargonans believe that they would. He may believe just enough that he would allow the ship to be rescued un-molested.
After all, any war, even one against a comparatively-little government is better to be avoided if it serves no purpose.

Just to pose examples of why some of these skills are there. Hope it helps. :D

Pablo Diablo said...

Awesome post Kang. Thanks.