
Enter Lagarto Cinza

Heya, yeah so it's been forever since I posted anything in the MOAG blog, but what better way to break the fast than by artwork!!! YAY! WOOT! SHOUTS OF GLEE!!!

Mkay, first things first, there are two very noticible things about this picture... first; It's obviously not done, yeah i'm working on the shading right now so that'll come later. And the second thing... HE'S NEKKID!!!!!!!!!!! Yup thats right, He does all his repairs in the nude, and if you don't like it you can find yourself a new repairman...er repairmacaneon...... LOL jk

Anywho he is my character that I am currently playing. His name is Lagarto Cinza, which actually means "Gray Lizard" He was born on Jabro but he doesn't remember it as he and his family moved to a large mining ship (not unlike Red Dwarf) when he was young, his stats are geared toward repairs and piloting since that was his life until recently when he left with his rusty beat up A.G.C.V. to Koge to look for work as a mercenary.

A little about the picture, he's holding an all purpose tool that i have yet to name in his upper right hand, and in his lower left is a hologlove that projects a keyboard as well as blueprints and schematics that have been downloaded, and in his lower right hand he's holding a screw for some device (probably an AGCV)

Well that's it for a bit until i finish shading and whatnot (I actually got a picture of him in power armor drawn but will have to work on it) If you all have any questions or comments feel free to tell me.



Salvaggio said...

Nice work. I'm excited to see the final piece.

Bot said...

This is good, Xzebo! I really like it. I think it's fun to see all these characters that I have been playing with. It takes the guess work out of it.

Wish I could draw decent though. :( Oh well, maybe that's why Amadeus looks like me!

squirrel-the-tire said...

Don't worry Bot, you aren't the only one who's lacking drawing skills. That's why I have blender.

Shadowwire said...

I too wish I could draw / paint / photoshop / whatever like many of you do so well. Im impressed by the pic as well.
Keep up the good work!

Phantom Gravedigger said...


*ahem* Anyhow, this is still epically epic beyond words. I really love the colors you used for him, I'm not sure what skin tone for him I was exactly imagining; but it was incredibly boring compared to this.

And also, I'm not sure if it's just because I'm on the old computer, but when I click it, it doesn't go all bigified. If it usually does go all bigified then I'll check it out later. If not, you should upload a bigger picture so we can admire it more closely! :)