
More for the MOAG site:

OK, I think we should have a bit of a contest for a MOAG logo. Looking at the site, I noticed it's missing something important. I think we should make a general logo for MOAG. ..as long as Mr. Wire agrees at least.


Bot said...

How about this, why don't we all list things that we can do to get the MOAG site up and fully functional? While a MOAG logo contest would be fun and interesting, I think that we should focus our attention on figuring out what we can do, as a whole, to get all the information on the site.

By the way, I am good at typing and would like to fiddle with html.

squirrel-the-tire said...

Same here. I just have nothing to type, what with no access to the BOD. It's giving me crazy ideas. This shall unofficially be a plan for later.

squirrel-the-tire said...

So far though, I've given up on the HTML, and decided to learn opengl for the time being.

Shadowwire said...

You dont need to know HTML. thats the beauty of it. Plain text can be added simply by Salvaggio or myself. If you feel like makeing a logo, Go ahead. Perhaps we'll like it?
Email me and let me know if you want to do some data entry. i'll send you a few scans of stuff that needs to be typed. cool?

squirrel-the-tire said...

ok. As far as typing stuff goes, I'll wait 'till I'm all moved in, and school isn't making me (as in, once core tests start). Learning opengl is interesting, and keeps me sane for the tie being. (Or at least, well, I might go as far as halfway sane, but that would be too far.)