
The Fine Mr. Jezerit.

Selidor- an allusion to a certain quote concerning the words 'cellar door'.

Jezerit- an allusion to a certain group of witches in Frank Herbert's Dune.

Anyhow, my insane human character; also the narrator of my 'sparratically' violent short story. Yes, he is left handed. Yes, he has heterochromatic eyes. No, it's not supposed to be gold, it's supposed to be brown. But I forgot to change it. Eh.

p.s. I'm assuming we can still post here even with the new MOAG site? Which looks absolutely breathtaking, by and by.
p.p.s. I bought a special dice set for Selidor today (with Juanito and X-zebo) ... it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.


squirrel-the-tire said...

Nice! I think the goldeneye fits quite well. Especially from a distance.

Bot said...

Ah, Mr. Jezerit! He is even more creepy than I imagined him to be. I really like the color of his skin. Makes him that much more... evil? Nah, just crazy. :)

Shadowwire said...

A pleasure to hear from you. Cant wait till you all get back!
Oh and... shiver, shiver.. nice pic.

Xzebo said...

Woot that's a sweet picture... and apparently my name is now X-zebo... cool.... I guess.