
Masters Of All Galaxies?

Just a side note. I was always under the impression that M.O.A.G. stood for something far more sinister like:

My Old Aching Gonads!!!


Pablo Diablo said...

I see that jeer and raise you a heckle.

Miss Olga Ate Golfballs!

HA! Beat that one!

Bot said...

Nice Pablo, but have you forgotten the old standard.

Miss Oklahoma Angers Georgia.

Okay, so it's neither old nor a standard, but heck... it kinda works.

Pablo Diablo said...

Good... Bot good...
Thats almost as good as when the Emperor found the formula for great Star Wars dialog.
Something something something dark side.
Something something something complete.

And Macros of Any Game?

or a specific one?

Shadowwire said...

Many Onery Alchoholic Gamers.