
Okay, Everybody, we're all in!

Alright. We all want the book to come about, and we want it sooner rather than later. So here's my plan. Everyone who would like to participate, take a day of the week, and every week write a well-informed post about the subject. For example, a sample week could look like this:

Monday - Salvaggio will post a new art piece. One that can be used in the book.
Tuesday - Shadowwire will post concerning the rules of character creation
Wednesday - Bot will post about the Conar, giving a brief history or whatever he wants, but something that needs to be written
for the book.
Thursday - Kang will post about weapons and damage
Friday and Saturday are open days.

Now if your name is not on the list, feel free to post on any day, it's just that being separated from the MOAG community there in the homelands, I don't have much experience with the rest of you. Although I am positive that both Savara and Pablo will want to participate, and should by all means. As for the rest of you, feel free to post. In fact, it might be helpful for the newcomers to post questions, that way the next week the group can answer said questions, thus informing everyone of the official answers and also putting said official answers down on "paper".

Anyway, what do you say? I'll take mondays because that will give me the weekend to spend more time on the art, but I'm flexible. Let me know what you think. Also, let's start labeling our posts, and by this I mean putting in a topic in the labels box that shows up on the bottom of the New Post page. So if you post about character creation, then label it characters or something like that.

So let's get this going. I'll try to have something finished for monday. How about the rest of the week?


Salvaggio said...

I'll be adding a "Topics of Discussion" list that will show up beneath the gaggle of MOAGERs on the right. This is where the Labels comes into play. So when you label your post, it will be placed in a category and thus make it easier to find a certain post, especially if we start posting rules and whatnot. Anyway, I couldn't get it to work in the layout editor today, but I'll try again tomorrow. Unless someone beats me to it.

Pablo Diablo said...

Great idea Salvaggio.
I'll take everday.
Oh its not on the list.
Well guess I just make it work.

Kang said...

Agreed. I may have to change my day, but I'll try to make it work as-is, to see how it goes. And I agree, Professional art-work IS a must.

Bot said...

I might have to change my day as well, but I will make it happen.