
MONDAY MOAG Art. Almost. Okay fine, it's just a sketch.

Welcome to the first installment of MONDAY MOAG ART. I'll be posting new (or updated) artwork specifically dealing with the MOAG universe every monday. I'll also try to add some sort of explanation for the pieces, and possibly some story behind the images.

For today's entry, I have posted a sketch of a Klisk during a traditional hunt. Anyway, I thought it shows the tribal nature of the Klisk, as well as some good drama. Hopefully I can finish it this week and post the finished version next monday, but we'll have to see how it goes.

Anyway, while I apologize for dumping a sketch on you for this, my first MONDAY MOAG ART posts, but please come back again.


Bot said...

I like this so far. It's a totally different perspective on the MOAG Universe. Also, I think that I will keep with the Klisk theme and post some information on them in the near future.

Pablo Diablo said...

Personally I would like one of those kittys as a pet.

Oh and sweet picture Mr. Salvaggio.