
Deep thoughts....

Okay, so...

The answer is ...

The "M" in "M" Class Planet is from the Vulcan word "Minshara".
(thanks for the applause! Delighted to clear that up for ya'll!)

Now, to address the other part of Bot's topic of discussion... may I propose a different train of thought and refer you to Moses 2:5, where it says that God created all things spiritually, before he created them naturally. At first glance, we think, "Oh, He made the spirits of things first." And we tend to leave it at that. But let me coax you to delve a little deeper, dear readers!

Ponder on this...

When an artist, designer, architect, landscaper, writer, even the rocket scientist or other creative individual decides to 'create' something new, the first step is usually.... to think about it. To use the imagination. To ponder on it. Then, when said individual feels good about the initial design concept, they engage the next step, sometimes seemingly in conjunction with the imagining... they begin to sketch or write it out. Rough sketches evolve into more defined sketches, adding this, erasing that, til they feel it's just right. Then it begins to leave the "spiritual" creation stage, and it eventally becomes their current masterpiece, the "natural" or physical creation.

Since we are created in His image, and He gave us our imaginations and creative abilities, where we use similar steps that He uses every time we "create" something, I find it hard to believe that we could come up with things He never thought of. Do Klisks currently exist in the physical stage? The only definitive answer I can give is, I plan to ask Him. Will they ever exist past the spiritual stage? I would have to say yes, even if we have to wait til one of us can do the job.

So....dream a little dream, sketch a little sketch or two, write a sonnet or a story, all in all, we bring Him glory.


squirrel-the-tire said...

ah well, I suppose it's too late to become less lazy.

Salvaggio said...

I was expecting Jack Handy, instead I got something much better. Thank you Savara. Well put indeed.

Shadowwire said...

Wow! Now thats theorizing with the best of them. I hope your right Savara. If so, then there will be (and probably are) lots of crazy things out there.
Perhaps however, These sorts of things are simply not important in the grand scheeme of things, and if we are worthy to inherit his power then fantasy/sci-fi will not be important to us either.
Perhaps things like Service, Prayer, Gospel study, Family, and an increase in real knowlege are the things that will get us to the point where we can inherit all that he has. I doubt that pissing my wife off every friday night will get me even close to the celestial kingdom. However, her getting pissed off probably wont get her any closer either.
well, I've said more than I should and should probably delete most of it, but this is a "blog" so there.

Salvaggio said...

It seems I do plenty without having a "Friday" to piss off the misses. So maybe it's a good thing I'm not around to MOAG as much as the rest of them...

Bot said...

I think being married to me is enough to piss my wife off and I know she gets upset at me for going every Friday night to play with my peoples, but I think we have an understanding that we both need time away from each other and that helps strengthen our marriage.

Thank you Savara for the M Class answer. The M means Minshara and it is a Vulcan term.

Good post Savara. It is good to have you back on the blog. I have a lot to say about the majority of this post, so I am going to save it for another time. :)