
Pirates! And Castles! In the SKY!!!

Well, this week's movie pick of the week is Studio Ghibli's classic, Castle in the Sky (also known as Laputa:Castle in the sky). How did I come up with this particular movie as opposed to all the other masterful pieces by Miyazaki? Well, I couldn't make up my mind, so i went with the first Miyazaki film I had the pleasure to watch. And I must say, it was sweet. The animation is a little more cartoon-ish than what I really like, but as with all Miyazaki films, the story was exceptional. Plus, the kids really liked this one as well (it comes in a close second behind "My Neighbor Totoro" which I also recommend to anyone who has kids). Anyway, the Sky Pirates are my favorite part of the movie, but it was all good.

So I give Castle in the Sky a healthy 5 out of 6. I don't really know why I rate these, I'm not a critic, and I'm not going to recommend something I didn't like. So take that for what it's worth.

Since we're talking about movies, I feel I need to add a small plug about a movie that I saw in the theaters last week. If you have the opportunity to see "The Rocker", please take it. Yes Bot, I'm talking to you.


squirrel-the-tire said...

haha, I guess mentioning miyazaki helped your anime needs, also, if you bother to watch naruto, watch the japenese, version with subtitles, as to avoid cheap voice acting, and the whole "beleive it!" thing over, and over again. The plot, and animation is actually pretty good, but again, poor compared to miyazaki.

Juanito said...

Hey I like that movie... good choice.

Now if youre in the mood for a way funnier miyazaki movie check out porco rosso(aka the crimson pig).

It is way good but a lot of fun more adultish humor!

squirrel-the-tire said...

Hey! ANOTHER person I don't know! (again, I'm west's cousin tommy)

Juanito said...

Um yeah im pretty sure that i introduced myself to you a while ago when u started the moag blog, but i havent been on in a while... but anyway... I am JJ, im going to SUU and i MOAG with West and everyone there.

Bot said...

I have to see the Rocker. Have to. Can't yet, but will in the near future.

squirrel-the-tire said...

yeah, juanito, I only joined this thing a little while ago, so I haven't read everything. so, I'm Tommy, I live in Dugway, and am 15.