
MONDAY MOAG ART: The Early edition (WIP)

Obviously, this is a work in progress (hence the WIP in the title). I'm going for a nomad-like dude, with native american influence. It's a little dark, and I plan on lightening it up a little over the weekend (hope to finish it too...) but overall I really like where this is heading. Anyway, not much else to say. The in-laws are coming to visit this weekend, and to be honest, not much excitement to be found.

Oh well... at least I'll have Spore and my Photoshops...


squirrel-the-tire said...

This I think is going downhill for you... It's still OK though.

Bot said...

Wow, Squirrel.... Let us know what you really think. Why, in your opinion, is this "going downhill?"

I think it's a change from what we are used to seeing, but that just shows Salvaggio's versatility. I like seeing more than what everyone is accustom to seeing in the MOAG Universe. It makes you realize how vast the game is.

Shadowwire said...

Dude... That is one of the awsome-est pics i've seen in a long time, and I spent a week in Lubbock! I have no clue why anyone would say downhill. Its the typical Salvagio style with non-typical subject. I think its great.
Keep up the good work Salvagio.

Juanito said...

I agree... I think it is great!!!

I hope you keep doing more like this for our lovely blog!

squirrel-the-tire said...

It's good quality, but it just doesn't work for me. It just doesn't fit. ..Anyway.. Time to play some AwesomeCraft.

squirrel-the-tire said...

It's good quality, but it just doesn't work for me. It just doesn't fit. ..Anyway.. Time to play some AwesomeCraft.