
The Day the Sky Fell.

"Roshiss, you know that you should not have done that!" Theeotah, a village elder, said. "This is not the time to discuss these matters. This will have to go before the tribal council."
Roshiss was big for a Sargonian. Over two and a half meters long, from top of his head to the tip of his tail. The ridge of rocks that ran down his back stood tall, a sign of good health. His intelligence set him apart from most of the tribe as well. By the time he turned eight years old, he had asked the tribal council too many logical questions and had been banned from attending any meetings. Unfortunately his age made him a fool in the eyes of every elder in the community.
"All I did was ask questions." Roshiss said. "Must I be punished for wanting to know things?"
"Yes!" Theeotah bellowed. "You are too curious for your own good."
Theeotah turned and walked away from Roshiss, signifying that the conversation had ended.
Roshiss walked out of the village at a good pace. His dealings with the stubbornness of the elders began at a young age, but he still felt the sting of a crushed pride every time he talked to any of them.
He made his way to his favorite rock and laid on it, staring out across the valley. The rock blended well with his color and he knew that any others that might be looking for him would not find it easy to see him here.
Then the sky shook. The thin layer of clouds split apart as a piece of sky blazed towards the ground. The fire dissipated, leaving a trail of smoke from the piece of broken sky. It then slowed as it came closer to the ground spitting more fire from different places.
Roshiss lay extremely still as the sky landed a mere twenty meters from him. He glared at it and realized that the it was no longer smoking, but was in fact black itself. Did the sky when it fell turn black as night?
The piece of sky sat on the sand on what looked like legs and Roshiss could only stare at it. Fixated by what had happened in front of him.
Then the piece of sky moved, or more accurately a piece of the piece of sky moved. It slid down one side with an awful hissing noise that reminded Roshiss of the wind rushing through the fields of Narrkesh bushes. Then it went quiet again.
Roshiss almost moved towards the piece of sky when he noticed a grey and black creature walk out of it. The creatured stood on its hind legs and it only had four total.
"I wonder why it doesn't have six legs?" Roshiss thought. "What am I saying? Here I am, looking at something out of a dream. A creature that lives in the sky and I am wondering why it doesn't have six legs like me?"
The silver sky creature walked out a ways and took a piece of itself off from its side. It slowly turned around with the piece of itself and looked at it. The creature then looked towards Roshiss, but he knew it couldn't see him against the rocks he now laid on. It then looked away.
Roshiss took a deep breath, decided that he must meet this creature from the sky and slowly moved towards it.


Shadowwire said...

Nice. This is already one of my favorites from you. The metaphors are stimulating. Most impressive.
All I can say is, the Bot strikes again!

Bot said...

Thank you Mr. Shadowwire. When I write stories of the species of MOAG, yours is the opinion that I admire most.

As you can tell the story is not complete, but I think this is going to take a while. :)

I think I am going to pull an Ender's Game / Ender's Shadow and write this from different perspectives. So the next section might be the same section, but from the "sky creatures" perspective.

Bot said...

Also, I need a name for the overall story so that I can put it on the label for easy access. Any ideas, post them in the comment area.

squirrel-the-tire said...


squirrel-the-tire said...

it needs more to happen for a title, I think.

Bot said...

I concur. The next part should be coming soon.