

Okay.  Here's an idea that I think we'll all get behind rather quickly, and will possibly kill two birds with one stone, or possibly 3 stones with one bird, whichever way you want to think about it.

Anyway, here's the idea:  We put MOAG online.  We start by getting a web site, MOAGtheGame.com is available (we can even pitch in for the yearly fee), anyway, Shadowwire can find the name he wants for it, but it will really help us and here's how.  We start by compiling all the rules and whatnot and put them on the site.  Therefore, we don't have to print up copies anytime some changes are made, and we can easily add and amend any of the information on the site.  I think it will be a cheaper way of getting the "book" out there, and it will be easier for anyone who wants to GM to find and use the information.

Here's the second part of the idea:  We build an  online version of MOAG.  I'm not talking about a MMORPG, although that would be awesome, but a simple, dice rolling game that can be played online, thus allowing groups to "MOAG" only needing a decent internet connection.  I've looked into various online simulations of table top RPGs, and most of them are simple forum, post your moves and rolls, type of thing.  I'm pretty confident that we have the knowhow amongst us to build something better than that.  We can build online character sheets, that are saved on a database, and use a chat mechanism to communicate, which will speed up the forum post method.  And bunch of other ideas that we can come up with.  And if it really works, it could be something we license and sell and whatnot.  

Anyway, I think we do it.  It will be very easy to do the first part, and the second part is a challenge that I think we can tackle.  What are your thoughts fellow MOAGers?


Bot said...

....... I'm scared... jk!!! This sounds freakin' amazing and I would love to start on this!

Kang said...

I'm in. :D

It's good to hear from you to Salvaggio!! And Bot, and everyone else here at Moagblog. Hello everyone.

squirrel-the-tire said...


squirrel-the-tire said...

oh, hi kang.

squirrel-the-tire said...

but sereously, we make a project on sourceforge to make a java game.
people who want to share their awesome skills in java can help us, and I might bother to do some, and evenntually have some friends helping out..
I know it'ss take a while, but tons of things on sourceforge get going really well.

Salvaggio said...

I'm open to whatever. I think we can build something no one's seen before, and do it rather well, whether it's a Flash based game using PHP or SQL for the database storage, or something from Sourceforge. Anyway, we'll have to discuss it further.

squirrel-the-tire said...

I'm saying that we make a project on sourceforge, and - while learning java/flash - start to make it, with quite possibly, some help.
it will take a while...
it might not happen, but it's a plan, at least.
if you haven't been to the site before.

Sholk_Vore said...

I like it. great idea Salvaggio.
..... but .....
I have to wonder, how is shadowwire going to manage all those games. Do you plan on some sort of password admittance?
Lets face it, part of the coolness of MOAG is that so few know about it. :p
I have often wondered what it would turn into once it became available to the masses.
Yea, I think its worth it... come on shadowwire.... can we use his idea? Please?

Really I like it. And isn't this blog, at least in part, meant to slowly introduce MOAG to the masses?

Bot said...

Screw slowly introducing it! This game is awesome because of all the thought and creativity that has gone into it. Whether it hits the masses or not, it is going to be something that we remember for the rest of our lives.

Xzebo said...

I like what Bot said... I personally don't think we should let what the masses think change our image of MOAG... and if it goes online... the very least it can do is inspire others to make their own stories in their own universes just as something at some point and time inspired the creation of MOAG. Plus with everything online (like history/species/weapons etc.) it would really facilitate playing MOAG... for example my character got a "Slugram" a couple weeks ago and i had no idea what that was. Anywho i think thats a good idea Salvaggio

squirrel-the-tire said...

if we really want to, we can make a new blog, and post the book on it while keeping this blog secret to all who can't handle it.

Salvaggio said...

No secret blogs. And I had thought about making another blog, but I want something a little more substantial for the website. And I agree that the game side of things will take some time, and we can figure out how to keep track of multiple games and whatnot later. But the best reason for putting it online is so that, say Bot, can get a group of MOAGers together and simply access all the rules and charts and breakfast-cereal-tables that he needs from his laptop, or anyone for that matter. It makes the book that much more accessible to the rest of us who might want to try GMing with some of our friends.

Salvaggio said...

Plus, it makes the rules that much more concrete. You can't argue with the rules on the site, they're the rules, as opposed to arguing the rules that are on a sheet of paper you saw once in the MOAG box (bless it's merry soul) but no one has seen since.

Juanito said...

I like that we are making all these plans and ideas but would like to know what Shadowwire thinks. We have basically yet to hear from him.