
Like a Gargonan in a Candy Shop

Science officer log. Entry 107-01, Qillus Tann speaking.

I'll start from the beginning of this whole ordeal. I didn't keep record of it since I believed that Captain Argus would never let me go down to the planet.
We stumbled upon a planet that is not on any of the charts. It's very dry and arid. Most of the planet is desert, but there are a few points that have vegetation. The ship I am now on has taken a high orbit over the planet while we do some routine scans of the planet and make a few repairs.

Where are my manners, I should have went through an introduction. My name is Qillus Tann, I was (until most recently) the Chief Science Officer on Outpost 8311. Through no choice of my own, I have been reassigned to another station. I am currently on the Gargonan Military Cargo Ship, Jadak 4. I am the only Science Officer on this ship and ever crew member seems to remind me of this. A small annoyance.

At any rate, I am currently readying items for a mission that Captain Argus was nice enough to approve for me. I was able to observe as the Bridge Crew went through some of the scans on the planet. Most of the things they went through were of no surprise. Basic vegetation and animal life for a desert planet. But then they found something. A species of lizards ranging anywhere from one and a half to two and a half meters in length. This was a surprise, due mostly to the fact that a desert planet usually does not support life at this size. There are the few green areas on the planet, but that wouldn't change the fact that this planet shouldn't have these creatures on it. Also, the fact that they tend to stay away from the greener areas intrigues me. I feel like a child again, discovering things for the first time and rambling on about what they do. I will report more when I reach the planet.

Oh, and one more thing. The way they herd together. It's not like most species that herd. Something is so very different about them. I can't wait to see them up close.


Sholk_Vore said...

Great job so far, keep going.

squirrel-the-tire said...


Juanito said...

Awesome continuation of the Sargonian story! I want more, will you continue?