
Here come the Bots...

The infamous Bot Family*

Well, it seems like Bot's got cousins, nephews, brothers, sisters, you name it, they're coming out of the woodwork.  Which is great for the MOAG blog.  As Squirrell noted in an earlier post, all this recent activity has made the blog the place to be.  Or at least peruse.  

All of these newcomers leads me to ask the question, is there some MOAGin' goin' on?  I know the destructive effects of Rock Band 2, but MOAG needs to be played, and played often.  Shadowwire is like the tree from the O'Henry story, "The Last Leaf".   He only has so much left, and everytime MOAG is not played, a small part of him dies.   That's why he can't gain weight.

Anyway, welcome to the fold, Bot family.  And may the rest of your relatives join up as soon as you can convince them to sleep in Bot's garage, cause he's got to be running out of room in that house with all them nieces and nephews over there.

*The picture above is niether infamous nor the bot family.  Any similarity is strictly coincidental.


Juanito said...
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Juanito said...

LOL funny pic! Well we did get MOAG going again and its addictive properties quickly took affect. Although sadly we did not play last night because of sickness due to Shadowwire. It was sad :(

Bot said...

Hmmmmmmm...... I don't know what I think of the pic... ok, ok... it is funny. :)

Phantom Gravedigger said...

OMFBBQ. How did you steal my picture from off of the desk without my knowledge? Or rather, how will I explain to my parents as to why I need to replace it?

Anyways, this made me laugh. And yes, we'll see who else we can shove into the Bot house.


Bot said...

Please, Phantom, it's the House of Bot, not just the simple Bot House. :)

squirrel-the-tire said...

blarg. rock band 2 is not as awesome as MOAG. I sit here not being able to MOAG, while you all sit there, and play rock band 2. it's insulting. I'm the one who has a 4 hour, 52" exuse to play Rock band instead of MOAG. lol

Salvaggio said...

Ah Squirell, I too have a 4 hour excuse, but alas no 52" to drown my sorrow. I do, however now have Rock Band 2 for the Wii, so I'll drown my sorrows tonight and think of you as I bloody my thumbs to Alive...

squirrel-the-tire said...

yeah... well, I don't use the 52" for rock band, because the ps2 isn't high resoloution enough to rid of tv lag, and it doesn't fix it properly.. so I play halo 3, and gears of war 2, and so on....

Xzebo said...


Ahem sorry just had to bust out in song there, anywho we are getting back into MOAG or at least for me... I am finally starting MOAG. WOOT!

And yes about the family well... there were that many of us......
Then Phantom was born... and well only Me and Juanito have survived the onslaught. LOL jk X)