

Okay, I did a real quick sketch. This species has been rather isolated from "familiar" species. They in fact have been around for a very long time and have expanded to populate their own intergalactic space. They have subjugated many other species and have an extremely formidable technological and structured sociaty by any familiar standards. They are considered "arguably" be the most power species in their known territory and are quick to defend their space.

They are highly resistant to radiation and contain a complex multi-chambered lung which can extract an amazing amount of breathable gas from even very thin atmospheres, giving them incredible natural endurance and an uncanny ablility to hold their breath for extended periods of time.

The most troublesome opposition to their society is not so much, other races as their own less ruly cousin territories which are ruled via many different forms of seperate governments by members of their own species who are less inclined to accept "big brother" telling them what to do.

There are, however, other species who do war with them as their own regions of space are highly populated with a diversity of species just as our own is to us.


Kang said...

Yeah I know, there are typos. lol

Salvaggio said...

Excellent post Mr. Kang! And it's good to hear from you...

squirrel-the-tire said...

cool race.

Bot said...

I like these species as well. Sorry I haven't said anything about it yet. And Kang, don't be a stranger. :)

Kang said...

Salvaggio, if you have a spare moment (and are so inclined), would you mind doing an artistic rendition of the AlFier? I would do it myself, but you're work is superior on the level of many magnitudes. (~.^)