
Introduction of a Phantom

The silence was so great that one could almost hear the very mist roll across the hallowed ground. A Cheshire grin of a moon shone lazily in the sky, illuminating the graveyard in a soft glow… And then! Suddenly! With a crack of a scream, a hand lunged forth from the ground, breaking the soil about it and declaring that all the residents of this place may not be as dead as they should be. The decaying hand searched the surface that it had just discovered and wandered over to a laptop, laying forsaken on the cemetery ground due to the power of convenience.

The one hand sticking from the ground started typing excitedly on the forlorn technology, when, out of the blue, a shovel came and struck down the hand!

“Back off. This is my computer time.” Phantom Gravedigger said with a slight growl as the hand retreated back into the ground and while the sound of a pathetic undead whimpering was heard from below. She then slung the shovel, the ultimate weapon of course, across her back, picked up the laptop and walked over to a recently dug, and empty, grave. The eccentric mortician then proceeded to sit in the grave and type herself up an interesting and cheesy way of introducing herself on the M.O.A.G. blog. Hence, what you’re reading right now. Unless, of course, you have some form of telepathy or clairvoyance or such, and know what this says without reading this. In that case, good for you.

Ahem… Anyways, I’m Phantom Gravedigger. I’m related to, like, half the people here, and new at M.O.A.G. And, sorry for my noobness, but I’m going to spam the heck out of you with some sketches I did while playing last Friday. Note: En’viere is not epic in any way, shape, or form. She’s just there to look pretty. Kind of to balance out the hideousness of the rest of our team, I guess. The last picture is unfinished, btw. And sorry for the crappiness of the quality, my photoshop's not working.


Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
By septimusphantom at 2009-01-07 Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
By septimusphantom at 2009-01-07 Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
By septimusphantom at 2009-01-07Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
By septimusphantom at 2009-01-07Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
By septimusphantom at 2009-01-07Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
By septimusphantom at 2009-01-07


Juanito said...

Friggin awesome jess! Wish i coulda been there for ur first time playing!

Phantom Gravedigger said...

You would call me Jess.

Anyways, you'll just have to have a guilt trip that will goad you into coming next time, now won't you? Oh, and I totally bought an episode of Samurai Jack that has zombies. It's intense, we need to watch it sometime.


Juanito said...

AWESOME!Yes we do!

Salvaggio said...

Welcome to the fold. Or whatever it is we call this. Anyway, awesome picks. Juanito, you've been demoted.

Juanito said...

Awwwww demoted because of a younger sibling. How sad... ok not really lol!

Well I guess that means i'd better put some more art up!

Bot said...

I love all the pics!!! If rivalry gets people to put more up, then so be it. :)

Xzebo said...

Hey, i would put up my art.... *looks over at the dirty laundry covered printer* ... if my scanner had not been overrun by the hordes of the "under"world.. heh heh get it? "under"world.. oh nevermind, i'll get my art up some time... :)

Bot said...

Yeah.... work on the art... because the comedy is not working for you. lol... jk... I think... seriously, work on the art!